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Total : ₹ 1,280.54

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Premium Hang Tags in Customisable High-Quality Designs

Accurately tagging your retail items helps customers feel confident understanding your brand and the products that they are purchasing. Having the proper tags or signage allows for the effective and clear display of your brand's message. Our cardstock tags are a simple solution that allows you to express your creative designs while marketing and advertising your brand.

High-quality printing technology creates the graphics and text for the business card tags. With excellent resolution and sharp contrast, the details are clearly visible. Attract the attention of shoppers to your items to help increase sales and awareness of your message.

Modify the look of the cardstock tags to meet sizing requirements and select the quantity needed. Choose to have graphics on just the front of the tags or on both sides. Specify where to locate the hole for attachment, including center, top, and right or left on the tags.

Create a custom design to express your brand's unique message using our online tool. Choose from the available pre-made templates to use for your postcard tags. There is also the option to upload your own artwork.

Cardstock Tags Have Quality Finishes and Excellent Printability

We utilize thick paper material to make up our business card tags. The tags are available in gloss or matte finishes that add a sheen to the appearance. With vibrant colouring, the tags make a great impression on customers or other business owners.

If needed, you may print additional information on these postcard tags. The uniform density of the paper provides excellent printability.

Easily Order Premium Hang Tags

Various shipping options are available to help your company meet time constraints or to stay within your budget. Choose to have the cardstock tags sent right to your doorstep for convenient delivery.

Shop for Premium Hang Tags for your organization online at Circle One. 

350 GSM Cardstock Gloss
  • Great choice for Cards, Postcards, Hang Tags and Invitation Cards
  • Ultra thick and stiff gloss finish cardstock for sheen and vibrant colors
  • Paper from sustainable sources
  • May be written on but testing is recommended. Ballpoint pens (oil-based ink) and permanent markers work best.
  • Note: We do not guarantee writability or printability of coated paper
  • Paper from sustainable sources
350 GSM Cardstock Matte
  • Excellent for heftier Business Cards
  • Ultra thick and stiff cardstock with a non-reflective matte finish for a classic and elegant look
  • Paper from sustainable sources
  • May be written on but testing is recommended. Ballpoint pens (oil-based ink) and permanent markers work best.
  • Note: We do not guarantee writability or printability of coated paper
  • Product border Should be minimum 3 mm.Thin borders can come out lopsided due to the cutting process.
  • Size Variance: +/- 3mm
Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.