Placemats (Menus)
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No need for separate advertisement brochures and tacky posters up on your walls. Now you can prevent boredom amongst your customers and promote your services at the same time with these eye-catching and colorful placemats.
These custom printed placemats can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
- Light reading for customers
- Advertising your establishment’s services
- Highlighting special or seasonal offers
- Providing advertisement space to other entities
- Information about other services your establishment offers
- Personal use for interior decoration
Personalized Placemat Printing: You can choose from a variety of styles and layouts, and personalize each placemat to truly reflect the unique identity of your brand.
Personalized photo Placemats: With custom photos and color options, customization is available on a level like you’ve never seen before.
- A comfortable reading size to ensure you have enough space for everything, including advertisement
- A variety of layouts and styles to choose from for maximum customizability
Make your brand an omnipresent part of your establishment and even earn revenue through advertising space, or jazz up your home’s decor, with these custom paper placemats.
- Tactile paper feel
- Uncoated for excellent writability and printability
- Best choice for Letterhead, Envelopes and marketing materials that have sections for forms
- Paper from sustainable sources
- Product border Should be minimum 3 mm.Thin borders can come out lopsided due to the cutting process.
- Size Variance: +/- 3mm