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Advertising or marketing of a product or a company has become so important these days. It has become a necessity because only through advertising, people can recognize or get to know about the product or the company. If any company fails to market itself or the product, then it\'s very hard to sustain in the Competitive Market. People spend millions on marketing so that they can achieve the target for their sales.

Many business companies are also now becoming very particular about using Eco-Friendly products. Even for advertising, they are finding means to use Eco- Friendly products.

Due to increased awareness on Eco– Friendly products, we had decided to do research and try to make Banner Stands out of Bamboo. Now this concept has become a reality. We proudly tell that we are selling stands that are made of an Eco- Friendly resource such as Bamboo.

The main reason of usage of this resource is because it is renewable. So it keeps growing as and when we keep planting. So there is no scarcity of Bamboo.

These stands are in the shape of ""X"" towards the backside; the reason is that this quality helps to support the banner that is pinned on the stand. The bottom and top of ""X"" are the rubber holders that stay strong enough to support the banner and the ground. There is one more stand that is attached from the middle of ""X"". So therefore the stand has three legs in the bottom side to stand tall and strong.

If you are wondering whether it has the same durability as the Banner stands made of other metals, the answer is YES. The Bamboo X Banner Stands though it is thin and it is made up of Bamboo, they are very durable if it is handled with care. These stands can be reused again if properly preserved.

The stands can be carried with ease because they are easily dismantled and folded. One can reuse it again by reassembling the same. These stands are also very light weight which makes them portable and adds an advantage along with the Eco-Friendly nature of the stands.

The Bamboo X Banner Stands are used for Indoor advertising. That is for advertising at malls, schools, universities, events, etc. They are mostly used by the retailers or by the Marketing Agency.

These stands have to be preserved by either keeping them in between cotton or it should be kept in a cotton bag. This step is to be taken purely to protect the stand.

The companies who use Bamboo X Banner stand can have an added advantage with the target consumers. CircleOne takes immense pleasure in serving the customers with the Eco-Friendly stand, our customers will be happy when their customers enter the stores because they are using these kinds of stands for advertising.

Our stands will never disappoint you. We will also from our side make sure that all the services that we provide are satisfactory to our customers.

  • Graphic Material: Processed Cloth Fabric
  • Hardware Material: Wooden
  • Printing: Full Color, 600DPI, UV Printing
  • Graphic Weight: 160 GSM
  • Graphic Care Instructions: Not recommended to wash using detergent. Just clean with soft sponge and warm water.
  • Graphic Size Variance Upto 5 ft: +/- 0.5 inch
  • Graphic Size Variance > 5 ft: +/- 1 inch

Setup Instructions for Bamboo X Banner Stands

Bulk Quantity Discount

QuantityDiscount Percentage(%)
Qty 2-52%
Qty 6-255%
Qty 26-507%
Qty 51-10010%
Above 10015%